Monday, April 9, 2012

Splish Splash Taking A Bath

Another Saturday Afternoon kinda cool out I'd rather be lazy and relax inside, but first Jake wants to go outside. Wait Jake whats in the yard, let me grab the camera, subject of picture in the back of yard better put on the 200mm lens and filter and lets set the setting to fast I will take these shots through the glass door, Jake sit!! be quite I'll let you out in a few minutes.
                                       There spring Robin browsing around the Old Oak Tree

                                                 Now the "Robin is Bob Bobbing along"

                                                        "It was just another Sunshine  Saturday"

                                                           And "Splish Splash

                                           I Was Taking a Bath along about Saturday night"

                                                     Sitting on a fence got to dry off 

                                                      So "Lets Shake Rattle and Roll"

                             "Sitting in the Tree on Old Gay Bird Street, Rock in Robin"

Yes Jake you can go now, "Who let the dogs Out!!!  spring is just full of songs in the air  guess I'm just feeling a little silly today but its spring and "Spring is in the Air Now"

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